What is Rolfing® Structural integration?
Rolfing® Structural Integration is a form of manual bodywork and movement education developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. The purpose of the work is to rebalance and align the human body to be more fluid in movement and more resilient under the constant presence of gravity. Symptoms of structural imbalances are unique to the person, but typically they are perceived as: pain, soreness, general discomfort, low energy, change in mood, limited range of motion, altered physiological function, and a whole lot more. A wide array of factors such as lack of movement, repetitive movement, injury, trauma, stress, etc. can contribute to an imbalanced structure.
Rolfing® strives to align and balance the body’s components until the entire system is a smoothly functioning, coordinated whole. This is typically done through a process known as The Ten Series™. A Rolfer will use manual pressure to manipulate the connective tissue known as fascia which functions as a huge guide-wire support system within the body. By manipulating the fascia that encapsulates, separates, and stabilizes components of the body (muscles, bones, organs, etc.), many of the symptoms of imbalance may be greatly improved or even eliminated. The most typical results after Rolfing® sessions are decreased pain, improved posture, increased mobility, decreased stress, greater body awareness, enhanced vitality, and truer self-expression.
common benefits of Rolfing® S.I.
Relief from chronic pain
Greater body awareness
Improved posture
Increased energy
Enhanced vitality & well-being
Greater freedom of movement
Enhanced physical performance
Increased range of motion
Decreased tension & stress
Truer self-expression