Because Rolfing® is not yet a commonly known term, I get a lot of questions about it. Here are the most common questions I get. Your question isn't listed here? Email me and be I'll be happy to get you an answer.
who can benefit from Rolfing®?
Anyone who expects more than what their body is currently giving them in terms of comfort, vitality, or performance can benefit from what Rolfing has to offer. This might include former and current athletes, musicians, performers, those engaged in physically demanding jobs, and those who choose not to accept the notion that the quality of their lives must suffer simply because they are aging.
is ROLFING® painful?
In its infancy, Rolfing® carried a reputation of being painful. Over the years, through ongoing research and education, the work has evolved to be much less intense. There is the potential for some level of discomfort, but most of the time it is a "hurts so good" feeling as the tissue begins to release. Through a practitioner's mindful awareness, perception of the client's body as well as open communication, the potential for pain is greatly mitigated. The resulting feeling can be a great sense of relief and freedom to the area as tissues have been moved into a more optimal position and given the opportunity to move again.
How is Rolfing® different from massage?
Despite the similar appearance to massage, Rolfing is quite different. Massage is generally done at a relatively superficial level over the entire body with the intent to relax muscles and move fluids. Rolfing is corrective bodywork addressing fascial structural imbalances, guided by a set of principles deliberately set forth by Dr. Rolf. Massage is presence and relaxation; Rolfing is change and transformation. Both are very beneficial, just different.
How long is a Rolfing® session?
Sessions last approximately 90 minutes. I work a little more slowly because I have found that the tissues & systems respond better. However, when we feel as though the goals of the session have been accomplished then we are done.
what do I wear for a Rolfing® session?
Your “Rolfing Uniform.” Typical attire during a session is undergarments or swimwear. For women: a two-piece swimsuit or bra & underwear (sportswear); for men: briefs, athletic/compression shorts, swim trunks are appropriate. Overly loose, baggy, or heavy clothing should be avoided as well as any Lycra silky-type materials. It is important that you’re comfortable, so there is wiggle room here.
Why should I do The Ten Series?
Engaging in the full series of 10 sessions provides the best possibility for achieving desired outcomes. This will provide time and focus to address the imbalances present in the whole body, not just the local area where pain and dysfunction manifest.
Do I have to do The Ten Series?
Not necessarily. Changes can be made with “mini-series” or “tune-ups” if someone is experiencing a particular symptom, but the strain patterns held in the fascia reach throughout the entire body.
will i need more work after the ten series?
I say “as needed.” Each person is so unique in their needs that I cannot provide a universal answer. Some people go years before they feel they need more work again. On the other end of the spectrum, for those with such complex, deeply ingrained patterns, regular Rolfing sessions are what keep them moving. For most, occasional maintenance work once per month or a few times per year is sufficient.
What if I am already receiving chiropractic adjustments?
Rolfing complements chiropractic very well. Some clients have mentioned that their chiropractors have an easier time with their adjustments.
How will this affect my exercise routine?
You may notice increases in performance due to more fluid, efficient motion. No need to stop. Keep going!
Is Rolfing® covered by insurance?
I do not bill insurance, but I can provide you receipts if you would like to try to seek reimbursement from your provider. I cannot speculate as to what your insurance policy will or won’t cover, but lately most insurance companies do not. Check with your provider.
How can i be sure i am working with a certified Rolfer®?
You can verify if someone is a Rolfer at Deceitful claims of unqualified practitioners is an unfortunate reality. Taking a weekend course taught by a Rolfer or other Structural Integrator is a drop in a very big bucket. The only way to become a Certified Rolfer® is to complete the full course of study at The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration.
For further questions/explanation about Rolfing® S.I., click here